MKA Karate


Juniors Program (Ages 7-13)

The main Juniors promotions occur every 3 months. Most students progress from one Kyu to the next (see Ranks History Section and Rank Chart) during these tests. Lower ranked students who miss a regularly scheduled belt test may be promoted to the next belt level during a make-up test.

At the higher ranks, it takes longer to progress to the next belt color. Therefore there are two levels of Green, Blue, and Purple Belts. Brown Belt has three levels including Candidate Black Belt. Students then test for Junior Black Belt (see above).

Rank - - - Kata (learned during that rank)
White Belt - - - Taikyoku Shodan
Orange Belt - - - Taikokyku Nidan and Sandan
Yellow Belt - - - Tomari Seisan
Green Belt - - - Seiuchin
Green Belt w/Stripe - - - Naihanchi
Blue Belt - - - Taikyoku No Bo, Yondan, and Godan
Blue Belt w/Stripe - - - Passai
Purple Belt - - - Bo Shodan
Purple Belt w/Stripe - - - Chinto
Brown Belt - - - Bo Nidan
Brown Belt w/Stripe - - - Kusanku
Brown Belt / Black Stripe - - - Sanchin
(Candidate Black Belt)

Ryukyu Kempo Kanji
151 S. State Rd., Springfield, Pennsylvania, USA | (610) 394-3040