MKA Karate


Modern Arnis

Modern Arnis combines both open-hand and stick techniques. The stick techniques are based on twelve angles of attack. For each of these angles of attack there are specific defenses and disarming techniques. Several drills require the use of two sticks (e.g. - single, double, and reverse sinawali). These drills are often initially taught �patty-cake� style with open hands. The drills are used to develop upper body strength, coordination, speed, timing, and endurance. After learning sinawali, applications of these motions can be used many different ways in self-defense situations.

The goal in Modern Arnis training is to develop the �flow.� This is a state of transitioning effortlessly from one motion to the next to comfortably blend with an opponent by redirecting attacks and countering in a fluid motion. Other aspects of Modern Arnis training include stick sparring and the practice of forms or anyos. There is a complete system of open-hand anyos as well as stick forms. Stick sparring starts with pre-arranged drills and gradually progresses to free sparring. Modern Arnis also incorporates grappling techniques, locks, and throws.

Guru Terry was a direct student of Professor Remy Presas for more than 15 years. MKA Karate is a member of the International Modern Arnis Foundation

Ryukyu Kempo Kanji
151 S. State Rd., Springfield, Pennsylvania, USA | (610) 394-3040